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Custom window treatments are the finishing touches that elevate a room’s aesthetic, akin to how jewelry enhances attire. Window fashions have been integral to our company since its inception, beginning as a drapery shop-at-home service. Today, they remain a cornerstone of our comprehensive interior design offerings.
Our expertise has been exemplified in books, print and online magazines and is evident in our extensive presence in various media over our five-decade history. No better example is the most recent book by window fashions authority Charles Randall. He is the award-winning author of the best-selling window decorating series: Window Fashions, first published in 1986 with sales of more than one million copies. His 2020 book: Designer Window Fashions features 98 photos from 36 of our Decorating Den Interiors designers.
After months of collaboration with Charles, we’ve finalized an update, incorporating new photos, including many from our latest International Dream Rooms, evaluated by interior design journalists from across the U.S. and Canada. The cover of his latest book showcases a winning room and draperies from our latest competition. Buy the book on Amazon
With this topic at the forefront of our thoughts, here are some Dos and Don’ts compiled from our collective experience and insights shared by Mr. Randall.
DO consider the type of window you have
Whether it’s an arch, a bow or bay, a corner, a double-hung, French doors, a picture or another type, your Decorating Den Interiors design professional can help you select the type of treatment that will work best.
DO remember that window treatments are not just about beauty
Though a simple window treatment may cover a bare window, it might not cater to all your needs. Window treatments extend beyond mere aesthetics; they encompass privacy, sun shielding, sound dampening, and beyond. Interior designer Heather Sheridan will engage you with tailored inquiries to pinpoint the specific features and advantages you seek.
DO consider the wide variety of options for your window treatments
Draperies introduce softness and texture, while also serving as sound absorbers and insulators. They can be drawn closed or left open, among other functions.
Top treatments offer boundless options, encouraging both designers and clients to embark on imaginative journeys. Sometimes, all it takes is a cornice or valance to inject vibrancy into a space. And with intriguing names like cascades and jabots, the possibilities become even more captivating.
Whether standing alone or serving as a striking complement to other window treatments, shades offer a diverse array of shapes and configurations. Fabric shades, often referred to as “soft” shades, boast crisp edges and a tidy appearance. They can discreetly recede when raised, allowing architectural features to shine, or become focal points themselves, adding striking emphasis to the space.
Shutters and blinds can fill a variety of roles. They can interface with any interior due to the range of colors, materials, stains, and decorative features.
When one concept is not enough, DO explore the beauty of combining different types of treatments.
DON’T forget to consider decorative hardware and trim
These elements customize your treatment and add individuality. The range of materials available is huge and amazing.
The most important DON’T is don’t forget to call your Decorating Den Interiors professional for the best in custom window treatments.
Contact us or call (303) 600-8410 today
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